Below is a script that I wrote to clean up the style of a matlab file. It inserts whitespace around various operators and structures such as brackets. This is an essential tool for refactoring old matlab code.
function FixStyle(inFileName, replaceOldWithNew )
%% This is a collection of rules to re-style the code in an m file.
% This was developed for refactoring legacy code that I have inherited.
% inputs
% - inFileName - The file to be restyled
% - replaceOldWithNew - true/false - if true then rename the inFile to
% inFile.old.m and replace with the new file.
% (c) Duncan Blair 2013.
if isempty(inFileName)
error('No file name provided. Exiting...');
patten = '\.m';
replaceWith = '\.cleaned\.m';
outFileName = regexprep(inFileName, patten, replaceWith);
%try to open the file and read it in line by line
inFileID = fopen(inFileName,'r');
outFileID = fopen(outFileName, 'w');
%process the file line by line
textLine = fgets(inFileID);
while ischar(textLine)
%reformat the line
textLine = PrettyFormat(textLine);
% write it to the new file
fwrite(outFileID, textLine);
textLine = fgets(inFileID);
end %while
%process the file by block
fclose(inFileID); %close the in file
fclose(outFileID);%close the out file
catch err
fclose(inFileID); %close the in file
fclose(outFileID);%close the out file
%change the filenames after success
if strcmp(replaceOldWithNew, 'true')
patten = '\.m';
replaceWith = '\.old\.m';
newname = regexprep(inFileName, patten, replaceWith);
movefile(inFileName, newname);
movefile(outFileName, inFileName);
%% Apply the formatting rules to a line of text
function cleanLine = PrettyFormat(dirtyLine)
%if its a comment line then ignore it
[code, comment] = SplitCommentLine(dirtyLine);
if isempty(code)%early exit for comment-only lines
cleanLine = comment;
%Relational Operators
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '<=');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '>=');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '==');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '~=');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '>');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '<');
%short circut logical operators
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\|\|');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '&&');
%Element wise logical operators
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '&');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\|');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '~'); %may require special handling
%arithmetic operators
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '+');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '-');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '/');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\./');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '*');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\*');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\\');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\\');
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\^');
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\^');
%cl = Fix1CharOperator(cl, '\'''); %messes up string literals
%cl = Fix2CharOperator(cl, '.\'''); %messes up string literals
%assignment operator
code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\=');
%initialise an array
code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\[\]');
% []
code = FixBrackets(code, '\[', '\]');
code = FixBrackets(code, '\{', '\}');
code = FixBrackets(code, '\(', '\)');
%Special characters
% ! @ ; : ' ... .. . .()
%string literals
code = FixInvertedCommaPairs(code);
code = FixComma(code);
%Fix any leading whitespace before semi-colons
%these may have been introduced by earlier operations
code = FixSemiColon(code);
%append any trailing comment
cleanLine = [code comment];
%% Rules for String Literals
function cleanLine = FixInvertedCommaPairs( dirtyLine )
% Add whitespace before string literal
patten = '(\S)(\''[^\'']*\'') ';
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
% Add whitespace after string literal
patten = '(\s\''[^\'']*\'')(\S)';
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Rules for commas
function cleanLine = FixComma( dirtyLine )
%put a trailing space after commas
patten = '(\,)(\S)';
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
%remove leading white spaces before comma
patten = '\s*(\,)';
replaceWith = '$1';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Rules for Semi-Colons
function cleanLine = FixSemiColon( dirtyLine )
%put a trailing space after semi-colon
patten = '(\;)(\S)';
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
%remove leading whitespaces before semi-colon
patten = '\s*(\;)';
replaceWith = '$1';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Rules for single character operators
function cleanLine = Fix1CharOperator( dirtyLine, op )
%add both whitespace
patten = ['([^' op '\s])(' op ')([^' op '\s)'];
replaceWith = '$1 $2 $3';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
%add leading whitespace
patten = ['([^' op '\s\.<>~])(' op '{1})'];
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%add trailing whitespace
patten = ['(' op '{1})([^' op '\s\=\*\^/\.])'];
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Rules for two-character operators
function cleanLine = Fix2CharOperator( dirtyLine, op )
%add both whitespace
patten = ['(\S)(' op ')(\S)'];
replaceWith = '$1 $2 $3';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
%add leading whitespace
patten = ['(\S)(' op ')'];
replaceWith = '$1 $2';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%add trailing whitespace
patten = ['(\s)(' op ')(\S)'];
replaceWith = '$1$2 $3';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Rules for brackets
function cleanLine = FixBrackets( dirtyLine, leftBracket, rightBracket )
% no whitespace after left
patten = ['(' leftBracket ')(?=\S)'];
replaceWith = '$1 ';
cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
% no whitespace before right
patten = ['(\S)(?=' rightBracket ')'];
replaceWith = '$1 ';
cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
%% Divide lines into code and trailing comments
function [code, comment] = SplitCommentLine(line)
k = strfind(line, '%');
if isempty(k)
code = line;
comment = '';
startOfComment = k(1);
code = line(1:startOfComment - 1);
comment = line(startOfComment:end);
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