Friday, June 7, 2013

Matlab Fix Style tool to fix formating of code

Below is a script that I wrote to clean up the style of a matlab file.  It inserts whitespace around various operators and structures such as brackets.  This is an essential tool for refactoring old matlab code.

function FixStyle(inFileName, replaceOldWithNew )
    %% This is a collection of rules to re-style the code in an m file.
    % This was developed for refactoring legacy code that I have inherited.
    % inputs
    %  - inFileName - The file to be restyled
    %  - replaceOldWithNew - true/false - if true then rename the inFile to
    %  inFile.old.m and replace with the new file.
    % (c) Duncan Blair 2013.
    if isempty(inFileName)
        error('No file name provided. Exiting...');
    patten = '\.m';
    replaceWith = '\.cleaned\.m';
    outFileName = regexprep(inFileName, patten, replaceWith);

    %try to open the file and read it in line by line
    inFileID = fopen(inFileName,'r');
    outFileID = fopen(outFileName, 'w');
        %process the file line by line
        textLine = fgets(inFileID);
        while ischar(textLine)
            %reformat the line
            textLine = PrettyFormat(textLine);
            % write it to the new file
            fwrite(outFileID, textLine);
            textLine = fgets(inFileID);
        end %while
        %process the file by block
        fclose(inFileID); %close the in file
        fclose(outFileID);%close the out file
    catch err
        fclose(inFileID); %close the in file
        fclose(outFileID);%close the out file
    %change the filenames after success
    if strcmp(replaceOldWithNew, 'true')
        patten = '\.m';
        replaceWith = '\.old\.m';
        newname = regexprep(inFileName, patten, replaceWith);
        movefile(inFileName, newname);
        movefile(outFileName, inFileName);

%% Apply the formatting rules to a line of text
function cleanLine = PrettyFormat(dirtyLine)
    %if its a comment line then ignore it
    [code, comment] = SplitCommentLine(dirtyLine);
    if isempty(code)%early exit for comment-only lines
        cleanLine = comment;
    %Relational Operators
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '<=');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '>=');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '==');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '~=');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '>');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '<');
    %short circut logical operators
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\|\|');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '&&');
    %Element wise logical operators
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '&');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\|');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '~'); %may require special handling
    %arithmetic operators
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '+');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '-');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '/');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\./');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '*');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\*');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\\');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\\');
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\^');
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\.\^');
    %cl = Fix1CharOperator(cl, '\'''); %messes up string literals
    %cl = Fix2CharOperator(cl, '.\'''); %messes up string literals
    %assignment operator
    code = Fix1CharOperator(code, '\=');
    %initialise an array
    code = Fix2CharOperator(code, '\[\]');
    % []
    code = FixBrackets(code, '\[', '\]');
    code = FixBrackets(code, '\{', '\}');
    code = FixBrackets(code, '\(', '\)');
    %Special characters
    % ! @ ; : ' ...  .. . .()
    %string literals
    code = FixInvertedCommaPairs(code);
    code = FixComma(code);
    %Fix any leading whitespace before semi-colons
    %these may have been introduced by earlier operations
    code = FixSemiColon(code);
    %append any trailing comment
    cleanLine = [code comment];

%% Rules for String Literals
function cleanLine = FixInvertedCommaPairs( dirtyLine )
    % Add whitespace before string literal
    patten = '(\S)(\''[^\'']*\'') ';
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    % Add whitespace after string literal
    patten = '(\s\''[^\'']*\'')(\S)';
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Rules for commas
function cleanLine = FixComma( dirtyLine )
    %put a trailing space after commas
    patten = '(\,)(\S)';
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %remove leading white spaces before comma
    patten = '\s*(\,)';
    replaceWith = '$1';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Rules for Semi-Colons
function cleanLine = FixSemiColon( dirtyLine )
    %put a trailing space after semi-colon
    patten = '(\;)(\S)';
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %remove leading whitespaces before semi-colon
    patten = '\s*(\;)';
    replaceWith = '$1';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Rules for single character operators
function cleanLine = Fix1CharOperator( dirtyLine, op )
    %add both whitespace
    patten = ['([^' op '\s])(' op ')([^' op '\s)'];
    replaceWith = '$1 $2 $3';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %add leading whitespace
    patten = ['([^' op '\s\.<>~])(' op '{1})'];
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %add trailing whitespace
    patten = ['(' op '{1})([^' op '\s\=\*\^/\.])'];
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Rules for two-character operators
function cleanLine = Fix2CharOperator( dirtyLine, op )
    %add both whitespace
    patten = ['(\S)(' op ')(\S)'];
    replaceWith = '$1 $2 $3';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %add leading whitespace
    patten = ['(\S)(' op ')'];
    replaceWith = '$1 $2';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);
    %add trailing whitespace
    patten = ['(\s)(' op ')(\S)'];
    replaceWith = '$1$2 $3';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Rules for brackets
function cleanLine = FixBrackets( dirtyLine, leftBracket, rightBracket )
    % no whitespace after left
    patten = ['(' leftBracket ')(?=\S)'];
    replaceWith = '$1 ';
    cleanLine = regexprep(dirtyLine, patten, replaceWith);
    % no whitespace before right
    patten = ['(\S)(?=' rightBracket ')'];
    replaceWith = '$1 ';
    cleanLine = regexprep(cleanLine, patten, replaceWith);

%% Divide lines into code and trailing comments
function [code, comment] = SplitCommentLine(line)
    k = strfind(line, '%');
    if isempty(k)
        code = line;
        comment = '';
        startOfComment = k(1);
        code = line(1:startOfComment - 1);
        comment = line(startOfComment:end);

Thursday, April 11, 2013

GailsTools Bugfix

I have fixed a small bug that was causing the add-in to crash on load.

The old code was from some web tutorial and was trapping for errors rather than pre-testing for conditions.

Sub RemoveMenubar()
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

The new code is below.

Sub RemoveMenubar()
    For Each cbar In CommandBars
        If cbar.Name = ToolBarName Then
        End If
End Sub

GailsTools is now at v5.3.  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Visual Studio Custom Build Rules File for HelpNDoc version 3

This custom build rules file allows compilation of a HelpNDoc help  project file. This allows inclusion of the resulting ouput files within your VS setup and deployment projects.

I find this very handy to ensure I have the most current version of the help file included in the setup project without having to manually go and build the help file before building the setup files.  Prevents those moments where you wonder if you had pressed compile after that late night tweaks in the documentation...

This custom build rules file is for Visual Studio 2008 and HelpNDoc3.  It supports the command line switches for all the options including the template system. It's only slightly different from the version for HelpNDoc 2.

HelpNDoc3 Build Rule for

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Export script for Treadmill data from 3ds max to PointLightLab model file (Left Viewport Version)

This script exports a 28 point model from 3ds MAX to a PointLightLab model file format ( 2D version for V4 of PLL)

macroScript TM_LeftFacing_Exporter category:"DuncansTools"
	-- number of points to export
	num_dummies = 28
	-- array to hold the dummy refs
	dummy_array = #()
	--scaling factor
	scale = 0.3

	output_name = getSaveFileName caption:"PointLightLab Model File" types:"Models (*.pllm)|*.pllm|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

	if output_name != undefined then 
		output_file = createfile output_name
		--create the array of dummies
		for dummies = 1 to num_dummies do
			dummy_array[dummies] = execute ((if dummies < 10 then ("$Dummy0" ) else ("$Dummy")) + dummies as string)

		--Write the file header--
		format "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n" to:output_file
		format "<!DOCTYPE DuncansModelFile SYSTEM \"C:\\Program Files\\DuncansTools\\PointLightLab\\configuration\\ModelFormatv4.dtd\">\n" to:output_file
		format "<DuncansModelFile Version=\"4.0\">\n\n" to:output_file
		for t = animationrange.start to animationrange.end do
			format "<FrameSet>\n" to:output_file
			for dummies = 1 to num_dummies do
				at time t obj_1 = dummy_array[dummies].center
				format "<FramePoint Xpos=\"" to:output_file
				format "%" (obj_1.y * scale ) to:output_file
				format "\" Ypos=\"" to:output_file
				format "%" (obj_1.z * scale ) to:output_file
				format "\"/>\n" to:output_file
			format "</FrameSet>\n\n" to:output_file
		format "\n</DuncansModelFile>" to:output_file
		close output_file
		edit output_name
	)--end if

)--end macroScript

Monday, September 5, 2011

Import script for getting Treadmill Mocap data into 3ds MAX

Maxscript importer for .t3d files generated from PhaseSpace motion capture system using the a full suit and cap with 28 LED's. The .t3d files are generated from C3DWorkbench as simple tab delimited text files with X Y Z data on each line.  The number of points needs to be known before hand and set in the "num_dummies" var.  I was importing 5 second blocks of motion at 30 frames a second, hence the hard wired number of frames in "num_frames" var.

This script generates an array of dummy objects to hold the motion data as a point cloud style data set.  Each point's data is mapped as a keyframe on the dummy except where the point has dropped out or "popped" (if you use EEG nomenclature....) These are filtered out during the import to make it easier to fix the data in the curve editor.  Be careful of frame 0, as it does not seem to filter correctly. (Will figure this out later)

macroscript TM_Importer category: "DuncansTools"
	num_dummies = 28
	num_frames = 151
	dummy_array = #()
	animationRange = interval 0 num_frames
	--create the array of dummies
	for d = 1 to num_dummies do
		dummy_array[d] = dummy ()
		dummy_array[d].boxsize = [1,1,1]
	--local x = dummy_array[1].pos.controller	
	--showProperties x

	--get the text file ( tab delimeted works. from excel )
	in_name = getOpenFileName types:"Text  3d (*.t3d|*.t3d|All (*.*)|*.*|"
	if in_name != undefined then
		in_file = openFile in_name
		if in_file != undefined then
			-- turn on animation so we can automatically create keys 
			with animate on
				for frames = 0 to num_frames - 1 do
					for dummies = 1 to num_dummies do
						-- read the pairs of values from the file
						x_val = readValue in_file
						y_val = readValue in_file
						z_val = readValue in_file
					-- put the values to the dummies as motion keys
						if x_val < 0.5 or x_val > 0.5 then
							at time frames dummy_array[dummies].pos.controller.x_position = x_val
						if y_val < 0.5 or y_val > 0.5 then
							at time frames dummy_array[dummies].pos.controller.y_position = y_val
						if z_val < 0.5 or z_val > 0.5 then 
							at time frames dummy_array[dummies].pos.controller.z_position = z_val
		close in_file
C3D Workbench

Version 1.2

* Removed "Open File" button and merged the functionality with the "Browse" button.
* Moved the "File Parameters" functionality to a seperate dialog. Witha access via a button from the main UI called "Show File Parameter

* Re-arranged the Main UI layout.
* Added more data mapping options in the view tools (XYZ,XZY,YZX,YXZ,ZYX,ZXY). These also map correctly during export if selected.
* Added "Center to View" button and functionality. TODO. This needs to calculate scale as part of the operation.
* Fixed bug in the rendering code that was not correctly positioning the view.
* Added Export to a simple raw tab delimited 3D file format (.t3d) which is for import into 3ds max via an import script.